The urban scenarios outlined by the environmental and economic crisis have fostered, on one hand, the unstoppable gentrification of the most central neighborhoods of the cities; and on the other hand, a growing associationism committed to cultural and environmental values, which demands tools from academia to negotiate with the administration. An emblematic case is that of Arganzuela, one of the three districts of the Spanish capital affected by the rise and fall of industrialization (the freight railway in 1861 and the M-30 ring road in 1970). The burying of these infrastructures began in 1990 with the Green Railway Corridor (PVF) operation, a year after the inauguration in Paris of the Promenade Plantée on the disused railway lands, which allows us to foreshadow new scenarios. The TRAHERE project researches the state of abandonment and disaffection of the public spaces of the PVF using social networks as a connection platform with participatory channels to promote its regeneration. The challenge is to convert the concept of transfer of results into a more inclusive one of knowledge exchange, which implies a methodological change in research, with an integrating perspective that combines urban historical studies with artistic practices of production and postproduction for the dissemination of content on the networks. Land Published: 22 December 2022. This article belongs to the Special Issue Landscape Governance and Resilience in the Age of Social Media